So went the text of a recent promo sent to me via OMTimesMedia. I've retyped some of the relevant passages here:
In a recent message from Dr. Baskaran Pillai, who Dr. Wayne Dyer has called ‘one of the most Enlightened people on the planet’, he reiterated that you (yes you) are in fact God.
There is, however, a catch…
You must realize it. That is to say ‘real-ize’ or ‘actual-ize’ it.
However for most of us, and maybe you can relate, most of our time and energy goes into our human identity, not our spiritual one.
This is the root cause of so many of our frustrations, disappointments, and problems in life.
Dr. Pillai has shared 2 things from his recent meditations that he wants you to know:
“This is my New Teaching that just came from my meditation over the past few days. I barely slept. I kept up all night, and then I had visions about humanity changing, and then I was given this teaching. ‘Defeat the Image.’ Why? Then only you can put a new image in.” – Dr. Pillai
- You MUST defeat your image to real-ize your inherent God potential.
- A set of divine tools and techniques that can make this process easy
Dr. Pillai isn't the only one peddling this spiritual snake oil. It's been around for millennia. This is one of the reasons I laughed out loud when I read his self-important statement above: "This is my New Teaching that just came from my meditation over the past few days. I barely slept. I kept up all night, and then I had visions about humanity changing, and then I was given this teaching."
Well, you know, when you abuse your biological brain in this way, you're bound to start having biological consequences such as hallucinations.
Self-induced hallucinations, combined with personality issues such as narcissism, status addiction, and schadenfreude frequently generate what is known in theological circles as "revelation" -- in other words, a "New Teaching" given to one specially chosen prophet along with "a set of divine tools and techniques that can make this process easy."
Ah yes, the "easy fix" promised by "Enlightened Masters" today and in days long past. Oh wait . . . you're not supposed to bring up the topic of days long past. You're only supposed to focus on today's message, today's very special, one-of-a-kind, never-heard-before message from today's specially chosen divine messenger, because this time it's different! This time, after all God's failed efforts to make himself heard and understood, God has finally -- at long last and at great peril! -- managed to push his way through the terrible obstacles of the Unseen Realms (would that be verifiable science?) and speak to one specially chosen messenger!
O, lucky us, that we, at this unique time and place, should somehow manage to be the only ones ever in history to whom God has managed to speak the One Truth! How did we manage to survive before this special time of ascension?! How did we manage to survive without realizing we're actually God?! I mean, really, if we'd known this before, we could have had smartphones and Netflix centuries ago without wasting our time on all that stupid stuff like insight, forgiveness, morality of happiness (as opposed to morality of obligation), and what it means to use our free will (and our humanity) as children of God! We could have just jumped straight to the good stuff without all the bother and hard work of trusting God and trusting each other and trusting the science of Creation! Who needs trust and love and respect when you can claim God potential instead?
I refuse to supply a link for the above "spiritual infomercial." You're welcome to search for it if you insist. But I have free will and I don't believe that all religious teachings are equally healing and equally helpful in our lives as human beings. I tend to believe the evidence of my own eyes, which suggests that some religious teachings -- far from showing people how to be loving and respectful -- actually turn people into spoiled, narcissistic brats incapable of making moral decisions.
The "You Are God" teachings turn people into spoiled, narcissistic brats.
Use them at your own risk.
But if you use them, ask this question: Why isn't it enough for you to be you -- a child of God who is fully cherished and respected as an equal member of God's wondrous family precisely BECAUSE you aren't God?
Why would you want to be somebody you're not?
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